Health CMTE


On June 9, 2017, the Standing Committee on Health tabled its final report based on M-47.

The Health Committee held 4 hearings between February and April on M-47, heard expert testimony from 11 witnesses and received 23 briefs.

Unfortunately, the Health Committee’s report largely ignored evidence given by witnesses that revealed how violent pornography:

  • contributes to rape culture,
  • objectifies women,
  • has a major negative impact on sexual norms for youth,
  • is used to groom children for sexual abuse, and
  • causes peer-to-peer sexual abuse among youth.

As a result, the Committee’s recommendations to the Government do not reflect the recommendations made by witnesses to the Committee and will do little to protect youth from exposure to violent pornography.

The Conservative Party of Canada submitted a dissenting report that highlights the evidence that the main report ignores and makes stronger recommendations.


What’s Next

The Government has 120 days from the tabling of the Report to respond.  We hope that the Minister of Health will table a response that includes a commitment to a comprehensive public health response based on recommendations made by witnesses.